Flowing from the wildly popular idea of learning to code online ( of which I am a huge fan:Google's Daniel Russell (Senior Research Scientist) has put together a classroom collection of video classes and homework "activities" about tips/tricks for Google Search at
They will be conducting an encore on Sept 24, so remember be sure to sign up today!
Power Searching = dig deeper, find more with fewer keystrokes
Google just released this week these series of lessons, tutorials and hands-on practice called: Power Searching with Google Just attended their live google+ hangout. They have the Q&A session on YouTube with lots of great questions and guest speakers. It would have been cool to see Matt Cutts as well for the SEO questions too, but I'm sure he's a busy guy :)Awesome certificate from Google! Enroll today! |
If you Teach a man to fish...
There are so many amazing things you can do with a google search query... I would highly recommend this course to anyone who loves using Google search (who doesn't?) :) You can save time every time you want to buy something, research something, look for a new picture or video.Ok yes, you can always go to the "Advanced Search" button and fill out the various fields...but who does that? For example, I rather type in [ dc 2008..] to find articles about DC weather that have the year 2008 or greater.
If you know how to combine this with the google maps, images, video, makes a HUGE difference. in life.
"What is Steel compared to the hands that wield it?"
- Conan the Barbarian
So it's not just that the (search) engine that is powerful, it is how the car's driver pushes the throttle and what direction he steers with the wheels.
Get inspired. Check out these other videos about how Google search can change the world:
Q: Did anyone ever ask you, if you were to go on a spaceship to live on the moon and could only bring one book with you...what book would that be?
A: Assuming there's internet access on the moon, I would bring these Google classes.
Yes, there is something to be said about trying to know everything. Which I do not and maybe nobody can.
I rather try to be that guy who knows how to find anything.