Welcome to the JC Tech Review Blog

A little about myself...
I am an IT professional and consultant with over a decade of Microsoft-certified experience. I have grown up my entire life exposed to tech since my first IBM AT/x386 and the Mac Classic.

Exploring the Cutting Edge
I am an overclocker, enthusiastic and evangelist of consumer electronics and applications. As a hobbyist, I am always combining hardware or modifying API's to push the boundaries of what we define as "cool" or "game changing".

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Jacky's Tennis Travel Blog: Bit.ly Pro - (JC10s.com)

Jacky's Tennis Travel Blog: Bit.ly Pro - (JC10s.com)

I can create short URL links via JC10s.com (Bit.ly API) hooked in!

I'm running with 2x SSD's at RAID0 parity (128kB stripe block size):

I want to replace my netbook's HDD with an SSD and supplement it with either cloud storage and/or removable USB 3.0 drive.