Welcome to the JC Tech Review Blog

A little about myself...
I am an IT professional and consultant with over a decade of Microsoft-certified experience. I have grown up my entire life exposed to tech since my first IBM AT/x386 and the Mac Classic.

Exploring the Cutting Edge
I am an overclocker, enthusiastic and evangelist of consumer electronics and applications. As a hobbyist, I am always combining hardware or modifying API's to push the boundaries of what we define as "cool" or "game changing".

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How to create a Google Earth Map with "Floating Pictures"

Zoom out to see my photo of the "Clay Tennis Court"!

Check out the "Floating Picture Clouds" I embedded on top of the map layer in YouTube.

Learn how to build cool imagery directly into your own KML files! Create a fixed geo-location space and save your picture directly into the file. Your picture can exist at any preset altitude that you specify.

Download the Full KML to view it in Google Earth