The Cr-48 Chrome Laptop! Yes, Mr. Eric S. - please sign me up! I would like a test drive:
First Gen Devices
Many of Google's Andriod phones (Nexus, Droid) are packed with open source goodness, but do have some "rough edges" when it comes to consumer-friendly design. These devices are designed the hardcore geeks/developers who like to tinker and hack with their devices.
Android OS is the 100% pure Orange Juice counter to Steve Job's iOS Koolaide. Andriod hints: "Our seatbelts are optional. We think you're old enough to cross the street without holding hands")Webs and Clouds
What is really interesting is the emphasis on Web Apps and Cloud-based data. The Google Docs app has been a suitable replacement for me to pdfs and MS office files now. I can easily save/edit/store from anywhere (work, home, coffee shop) and not worry about bookmarking or sending myself notes later. In fact, I would argue that it makes more sense than storing it at each location because you would be wasting space on each device and you lose version control.
Chrome Sync
Another really great Google Chrome feature is the ability to keep all your browsers in-sync! Yes, no more having to re-download all your themes, extensions, plug-ins, bookmarks, etc...Chrome makes it easy to do that.
The majority of the net surfer's time is spent checking 1) Gmail 2) News 3) Facebook 4) Surfing YouTube...etc.
Why not tailor a computer around that makes your mobility to access transparent .